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Prism Template v 1.0



Prism Template Version Changes

Prism Template Version 1.0

  • Created Prism student template based on the Bootstrap template available for use on Spectrum
Twitter Bootstrap Framework

This template was created using the Twitter Bootstrap framework (version 2.3.2). This version of Bootstrap has been further customized to better suit the needs of Troy University students. However, further customization is available and all necessary files have been included. Additional documentation regarding how to customize and use more features can be found in the Twitter Bootstrap Website.

This framework offers built-in support for most mobile devices. In addition, it will scale according to the desktop screen resolution (windows size) of a visitor's Web browser.

Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2 Documentation

HTML Version

All pages in this template adhere to HTML5 specifications. Please note that there are differences between older versions of HTML/XHTML and HTML5 tags and syntax. For example:


<img src="#" alt="Image Title" />
<br />


<img src="#" alt="Image Title" >
<br >

There are several other differences between HTML5 and older versions. Though more similar, there are also differences between HTML4 and HTML5.

Website Files

The following folders have been included in this template:

  • assets
    • css
    • images
    • js
    • photos

The assets folder includes some template items and is also the area that we recommend you use for placing photos, documents, and other resource files for use in a Web page. Though it is recommended that you do not delete any files that were originally present in this folder and subfolders, you are not required to organize your new files within this area. Keeping your files organized and outside of the main site folder will make it easier to maintain the site in the future.


The custom.css file is where we recommend that you add any custom styles. This file is automatically linked within ever page via the Dreamweaver template. Because this file is also called after the main Bootstrap CSS file it can also be used to override default Bootstrap styles.


We recommend against making style changes within this file but instead use the custom.css file in the main assets folder to override default Bootstrap styles. However, in order to override existing styles you will need to browse the contents of this file in order to determine what tags, classes, or IDs to override using custom.css.

Creating New Pages

Simply open an existing page, save it under a new filename, and then make the appropriate modifications.

Adding or Modifying CSS Styles

All new styles and style modifications must be added to the following file:


It is not recommedned to modify the bootstrap.css or bootstrap.min.css files. This will make it easier to upgrade to newer versions of Twitter Bootstrap in the future. The custom.css file must be loaded after the boostrap.min.css file. The bootstrap.css file is only provided for reference. The "minified" version is what should remain linked from pages.

Setting Current Tab/Menu Option

When a user clicks a link on a navigation menu the navigation menu will not automatically change the currently highlighted link unless the following piece of code is added to the editable region in the header of a Web page. Note that in this example "Contact Information" must be changed to match the link for the page you want to highlight:

  $('.nav a:contains("Home")').parent().removeClass('active');
  $('.nav a:contains("Contact Information")').parent().addClass('active');
Disclaimer Statement

This template includes a disclaimer statement in the footer, which must be included in each page. Please visit Section 801.8.3 of the ePolicy for more information.